CIMES was founded over 40 years ago as a Trading Company at the head of a group of firms that manufactured and sold special items for both traditional and industrial constructions: Metal Hooks, Spacer hooks, Cardboard Forms for single use, Rubble Bags and Fastening Systems.
Stable Binder CIMES - Bindefix
The factories of the Group can produce a sufficient quantity of Stable binders (Bindefix) every day to satisfy the requirements of the national and international markets. We are therefore always able to ensure a prompt delivery at convenient costs. We have been working for decades with the largest construction companies, with the most important prefabricators and with the biggest Italian, European and International construction material distributors, thanks to our service and high quality standards.
We are determined to evolve by researching new products and automated technologies that are suitable for the prefabricated construction field and to offer our know-how in other fields, such as Agriculture, by manufacturing new field-specific items.
Our objective is to manage the productive forces of our various factories and to offer end customers a complete organizational system to facilitate the commercial and administrative procedures involved while providing high quality products.
Our objective is to manage the productive forces of our various factories and to offer end customers a complete organizational system to facilitate the commercial and administrative procedures involved while providing high quality products.